Regulation entails establishing the rules within which financial institutions must operate. This includes issuing specific regĀulations and guidelines governing the formation, operations, activities, and acquisitions of financial institutions. The Federal Reserve offers numerous resources to assist banking organizations and the public understand these rules and related expectations.
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Performance Evaluations
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests
Reporting forms
Sixth District Supervision Newsletter
Supervision and Regulation letters
Supervision and Regulation Semi-annual Report
Education, Training, and Assistance
The Federal Reserve provides a number of programs and publications for officials and staff of state member banks, bank holding companies, and savings and loan holding companies, as well as financial industry staff, regulators, and the public. These include:
Federal Reserve Supervisory Education
The Federal Reserve's supervisory education includes examiner commissioning programs for large financial institutions, community banks, and consumer compliance, in addition to a suite of learning options for continuing professional development.
Ask the Fed
Ask the Fed® is a program for officials of banks and bankers' associations to address new or important regulatory issues or supervisory guidance. Time is provided for participants to ask questions on the material presented. Although these calls are primarily geared for bankers, members of bank boards of directors, and other regulatory agencies may also register.
Community Banking Connections®
Community Banking Connections® is a publication designed to clarify key supervisory guidance, highlight new regulations, provide perspectives from bank examiners and Federal Reserve staff, and address challenges and concerns facing community banks and provide resources to assist them.
Consumer Compliance Outlook®
Consumer Compliance Outlook® is a quarterly publication dedicated to consumer compliance issues.
Discount Window Brochure
The Discount Window brochure provides information on Discount Window benefits, credit programs, and how to set up access.
FedLinks® is a single-topic bulletin prepared specifically for community banks. Each bulletin provides an overview of a key supervisory topic, explains how supervisory staff typically addresses that topic, highlights related policies and guidance, if applicable, and discusses examination expectations, as appropriate, at community banks.
Outlook Live
Outlook Live is a webinar series that digs deeper into consumer compliance topics of interest.
International Training and Assistance for Bank Supervisors
The Federal Reserve offers training and technical assistance for supervisors and staff of other central banks, as well as for foreign banking supervisory authorities.
Banking Data & Structure
The Federal Reserve and the other federal banking agencies collect, maintain, analyze, and make available to the public a wide range of financial and banking structure data. These data are essential to formulating and conducting bank regulation and supervision and for the ongoing assessment of the overall soundness of the nation's banking system.