The Community and Economic Development Discussion Paper Series addresses emerging and critical issues in community development. Our goal is to provide information on topics that will be useful to the many actors involved in community development—governments, nonprofits, financial institutions, and beneficiaries. To access older discussion papers, please see the archived material at Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research icon denoting destination link is offsite (FRASER).


Risk and Resilience: How Weather-Related Disasters Impact Economically Marginalized Communities
Based on a new Atlanta Fed survey of community development and resilience professionals in the Southeast, this discussion paper analyzes factors that may impede the ability of low-income communities and communities of color to prepare for and recover from weather-related disaster risks and identifies strategies for building resilience.
Dontá Council, Grace Meagher, and Leah Cabrera
Discussion Paper 2024-2 (June 2024)
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Benefits Cliff Coaching with the Atlanta Fed’s CLIFF Tools: Implementation Evaluation of the National Pilot
CLIFF tools provide greater transparency to workers about potential public assistance losses when their earnings increase. This discussion paper examines results from an implementation evaluation of both tool functionality and the challenges organizations faced when adopting the benefits cliff calculator.
Alexander Ruder and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2024-1 (May 2024)
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Sheltering in Place? A Closer Look at Pandemic Rental Instability in Six Southeastern States
Federal relief plans anticipated rent would remain relatively stable, but this paper highlights that in six southeastern states rents rose steeply and aid to renters often lagged need.
Sarah Stein, Pearse Haley, and Grace Meagher
Discussion Paper 2023-2 (October 2023)
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Mitigating Benefits Cliffs for Low-Income Families: District of Columbia Career Mobility Action Plan as a Case Study
This paper describes how benefits cliffs can affect the financial resources of a single adult, one child family living DC and introduces the DC Career Mobility Action Plan, which serves as a benefits cliff mitigation strategy.
Elias Ilin and Alvaro Sanchez
Discussion Paper 2023-1 (September 2023)
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Partnerships between Community Development Financial Institutions and Workforce Development Organizations
Workforce development funding today is not enough to meet worker and employer demand. This discussion paper describes case studies where CDFIs have partnered with and helped finance organizations providing workforce training and development.
Nisha Sutaria, Katherine Townsend Kiernan, and Sarah Miller
Discussion Paper 2022-1 (July 2022)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format


Restructuring the Eligibility Policies of the Child Care and Development Fund to Address Benefits Cliffs and Affordability
This paper explores how the current eligibility policies of the federal Child Care and Development Fund create benefits cliffs and affordability challenges that act as barriers to economic self-sufficiency.
Brittany Birken, Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2021-1 (June 2021)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format


Benefits Cliffs as a Barrier to Career Advancement for Low-Income Adults: Insights from Employment Services Providers
How do counselors explain benefits cliffs to clients who want to advance in their careers? The authors conducted focus groups with employment service providers to address this question.
Alexander Ruder, Julie Siwicki, Ellyn Terry, and Tamilore Toyin-Adelaja
Discussion Paper 2020-2 (March 2020)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format

Benefits Cliffs and the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement: A Case Study of the Health Care Services Career Pathway
What are the financial trade-offs a single parent faces when moving up the career ladder? The authors develop a new methodology to study the impact of benefits cliffs on the financial incentives to advance in a career.
David Altig, Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry
Discussion Paper 2020-1 (January 2020)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format


Anchor Institution Strategies in the Southeast: Working with Hospitals and Universities to Support Inclusive Growth
Anchor institutions such as universities and hospitals can help drive inclusive economic development in their communities. The author examines efforts to launch anchor institution strategies in New Orleans, Atlanta, and the Miami area.
Sameera Fazili
Discussion Paper 2019-2 (December 2019)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format (546 KB)

What Works at Scale? A Framework to Scale Up Workforce Development Programs
The author examines a sample of recent randomized controlled trials of workforce development programs and discusses how this body of evidence could inform policymakers about what works at scale.
Alexander Ruder
Discussion Paper 2019-1 (June 2019)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format


Mind the Gap: How Do Credit Market Experiences and Borrowing Patterns Differ for Minority-Owned Firms?
How do small business financing experiences vary by the race or ethnicity of a firm’s ownership? A new discussion paper examines data on minority-owned small businesses’ borrowing patterns.
Alicia Robb
Brett Barkley
Mels de Zeeuw
Discussion Paper 2018-3 (September 2018)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format

Rental Housing Affordability in the Southeast: Data from the Sixth District
The authors analyze data on housing costs and supply by household income level. They demonstrate the widespread shortage of housing that is affordable for low-income renters in large metros, small towns, suburbs, and nonmetro areas throughout the Southeast.
Ann Carpenter
Douglas White
Mary Hirt
Discussion Paper 2018-2 (July 2018)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format

How Do Firms Respond to Hiring Difficulties? Evidence from the Federal Reserve Banks' Small Business Credit Survey
Two-thirds of firms polled in the Fed's 2017 Small Business Credit Survey have had trouble hiring over the past year. A new discussion paper investigates how firms use compensation, training, and job restructuring to respond.
Ellyn Terry
Mels de Zeeuw
Discussion Paper 2018-1 (March 2018)
Abstract | Full text Adobe PDF file format