Adrienne C. Slack is the coordinating regional executive of the Bank's Regional Economic Information Network (REIN), serving as the Sixth District's lead regional executive, with responsibility for determining Sixth District REIN priorities. In addition to providing team guidance, she oversees team inputs to monetary policy deliberations, output products, and the talent pipeline.

She is responsible for the New Orleans Branch's board of directors and the District's Energy Advisory Council. Adrienne also provides regional input into the Atlanta Fed's monetary policy process. Additionally, she oversees the Atlanta Reserve Bank's Payment Forum.

She first joined the Federal Reserve System in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. During her tenure there, she served in several national leadership roles, including oversight for the Sixth District Cash Function Office and District Cash Operations. She also served at the Board of Governors in Washington, DC. Prior to assuming her current role, she was New Orleans branch manager, where she had responsibility for currency services, law enforcement, and facility and support services.

Adrienne is involved in activities including the Louisiana State University Center for Energy Studies Advisory Council, the Bayou District Foundation, and the University of Southern Mississippi College of Business Advisory Council. In 2006, she was honored by New Orleans CityBusiness at its Women of the Year event.

Raised in Mississippi, Adrienne received a bachelor of science degree in business administration with a concentration in economics from the University of Southern Mississippi. She also completed the executive development program at Dartmouth College.

Updated March 2025