David E. Altig
Executive Vice President and Chief Economic Advisercurriculum vitae
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
Updated January 2025
David E. Altig is executive vice president and chief economic adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He serves on the executive leadership team for the Bank's economic mobility and resilience strategic priority and is an adviser to the executive leadership committee.
Altig is a fellow and past president of the National Association for Business Economics. In addition, he is a member of the advisory council of the Global Interdependence Center and its College of Central Bankers and a member of the National Business Economics Issues Council. He serves on the board of the Konstanz Seminar on Monetary Theory and Policy. He has research in several prominent professional journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Econometrics, the Journal of Monetary Economics, and the National Tax Journal.
Before joining the Atlanta Fed in August 2007, Altig served as vice president and associate director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, where he started as a staff economist in 1991. Before joining the Cleveland Fed, Altig was a faculty member in the department of business economics and public policy at Indiana University. He previously served as an adjunct faculty member in the Scheller School of Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from 1994 to 2019 Altig was an adjunct faculty member in the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. He has lectured at several other universities, including the Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, Duke University, the University of Iowa, the University of Wisconsin, and the Chinese Executive MBA program sponsored by the University of Minnesota and Lingnan College of Sun Yat-Sen University.
Pandemic-Era Uncertainty on Main Street and Wall Street
Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, Steven J. Davis, Nicholas Parker, David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, and Nicholas Bloom
January 2021
July 2020
Economic Uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dave Altig, Scott Brent Baker, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Phil Bunn, Scarlet Chen, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, Paul Mizen, Nick Parker, Thomas Renault, Pawel Smietanka, and Greg Thwaites
Surveying Business Uncertainty
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nicholas Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, and Nicholas Parker
June 2019 (Revised July 2019; February and August 2020)
Did the 2017 Tax Reform Discriminate against Blue State Voters?
David Altig, Alan Auerbach, Patrick Higgins, Darryl Koehler, Laurence Kotlikoff, Ellyn Terry, and Victor Ye
April 2019
Firm-Specific Capital, Nominal Rigidities, and the Business Cycle
David Altig, Lawrence Christiano, Martin Eichenbaum, and Jesper Linde
December 2004
Sources of Business Cycles in Korea and the United States
David Altig and Alan Stockman
December 1998
Simulating U.S. Tax Reform
David Altig, Alan Auerbach, Laurence Kotlikoff, Kent Smetters, and Jan Walliser
August 1997
Social Security Privatization: A Simple Proposal
Altig, David, and Jagadeesh Gokhale
April 1997
Marginal Tax Rates and Income Inequality in a Life-Cycle Model
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
December 1996
Marginal Tax Rates and Income Inequality: A Quantitative-Theoretic Analysis
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
August 1995
Computable General-Equilibrium Models and Monetary Policy Advice
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
May 1995
The Efficiency and Welfare Effects of Tax Reform: Are Fewer Tax Brackets Better Than More?
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
November 1992
Bracket Creep in the Age of Indexing: Have We Solved the Problem?
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
June 1991
Inflation, Personal Taxes, and Real Output: A Dynamic Analysis
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
February 1991
Inflation and the Personal Tax Code: Assessing Indexation
David Altig and Charles Carlstrom
July 1990
Altruism, Borrowing Constraints, and Social Security
David Altig and Steven Davis
December 1989
The Timing of Intergenerational Transfers, Tax Policy, and Aggregate Savings
David Altig and Steven Davis
December 1989
Benefits Cliffs and the Financial Incentives for Career Advancement: A Case Study of the Health Care Services Career Pathway
David Altig, Elias Ilin, Alexander Ruder, and Ellyn Terry
2020-1 (January 2020)
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Kevin Foster, Brent Meyer, and Emil Mihaylov. "Credit Conditions Are Tightening. Are Firms Feeling the Pinch?" Policy Hub: Macroblog. May 25, 2023.
David E. Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Kevin Foster, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Hybrid Working Arrangements: Who Decides?" Policy Hub: Macroblog. January 12, 2022.
David E. Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Onboarding Remote Workers: A Hassle? Maybe. A Barrier? No." Policy Hub: Macroblog. July 15, 2021.
David E. Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "WFH Is Onstage and Here to Stay." Policy Hub: Macroblog. February 24, 2021.
David Altig. "When Is a Rate Hike Not Tighter Policy?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, August 1, 2004.
David Altig. "What Is the Right Inflation Rate?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, September 15, 2003.
David Altig. "Dollarization: What's in It for US?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, October 15, 2002.
David Altig. "Why Is Stable Money Such a Big Deal?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, May 1, 2002.
David Altig and Ed Nosal. "Why Haven't Long-Term Interest Rates Fallen?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, January 1, 2002.
David Altig. "Fiscal Policy and Fickle Fortunes: What's Luck Got to Do With It?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, April 1, 2000.
David Altig and Owen F. Humpage. "Dollarization and Monetary Sovereignty: The Case of Argentina," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, September 15, 1999.
David Altig. "Growth and the Internet: Surfing to Prosperity?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, September 1, 1999.
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "Fixing Social Security: Is the Surplus the Solution?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, April 1, 1999.
David Altig and Paul Gomme. "In Search of the NAIRU," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, May 1, 1998.
David Altig, Jan Walliser, Alan J. Auerbach, Lawrence J. Kotlikoff, and Kent Smetters. "Assessing Fundamental Tax Reform," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, January 15, 1998.
David Altig, Terry J. Fitzgerald, and Peter C. Rupert. "Okun's Law Revisited: Should We Worry about Low Unemployment?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, May 15, 1997.
David Altig, Terry J. Fitzgerald, and Peter C. Rupert. "Is Noninflationary Growth an Oxymoron? " Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, May 1, 1997.
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "A Simple Proposal for Privatizing Social Security," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, May 1, 1996.
David Altig. "Making Sense of the Federal Budget Impasse," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, January 15, 1996.
David Altig and Charles T. Carlstrom. "A Conference on Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and Financial Intermediation," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review (1995 Q4).
David Altig. "Monetary Policy: An Interpretation of 1994, a Challenge for 1995," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, February 15, 1995.
David Altig and Charles T. Carlstrom. "The Efficiency and Welfare Effects of Tax Reform: Are Fewer Tax Brackets Better Than More?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, (1994 No4).
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "Health Care Reform from a Generational Perspective," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, April 15, 1994.
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "Back to the Future: Prospective Deficits through the Prism of the Past," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, March 15, 1994.
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "The Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993: A Summary Report," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, October 15, 1993.
David Altig and Charles T. Carlstrom. "Using Bracket Creep to Raise Revenue: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Passed," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review (1993 No2).
David Altig and Jagadeesh Gokhale. "An Overview of the Clinton Budget Plan," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, March 1, 1993.
David Altig. "Some Fiscal Advice for the New Government: Don't Let the Sun Go Down on BEA," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, February 1, 1993.
David Altig. "Federal Credit and Insurance Programs: Beyond the Deficit Diversion," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, November 15, 1992.
David Altig and Michael F. Bryan. "Can Conventional Theory Explain the Unconventional Recovery?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, April 15, 1992.
David Altig. "An Ebbing Tide Lowers All Boats: Monetary Policy, Inflation, and Social Justice," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review (1992 Q2).
David Altig, Susan M. Byrne, and Katherine A. Samolyk. "Is Household Debt Inhibiting the Recovery?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, February 15, 1992.
David Altig and Katherine A. Samolyk. "Increasing National Saving: Are IRAs the Answer?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, September 1, 1991.
David Altig. "The Case of the Missing Interest Deductions: Will Tax Reform Increase U.S. Saving Rates?" Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review, (1990 No4).
David Altig. "Making Sense of the Moynihan Gambit: A Perspective on the Social Security Debate," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, June 1, 1990.
Dave Altig. "The Tech Revolution: Is This Time Different?." 2018 August.
Dave Altig. "Labor Market Strong, Economy on Track." 2015 November.
Dave Altig. "Despite Rough Start to 2015, Economy Still on Track." 2015 July.
Dave Altig. "U.S. Economy Back on Track after a Disappointing Start to the Year." 2014 November.
Dave Altig. "Despite a Disappointing Start to 2014, Economic Growth Should Rebound." 2014 June.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "COVID, Election Uncertainty Weigh Heavily on Firms' Outlook," macroblog. October 22, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Post-COVID Recovery? Not So Fast, My Friend," macroblog. October 1, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Firms Anticipate COVID-19 Uncertainty to Persist, but Not Worsen," macroblog. September 2, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Businesses Anticipate Slashing Postpandemic Travel Budgets," macroblog. August 4, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "COVID Won't Kill Demand for Office Space," macroblog. July 10, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "Firms Expect Working from Home to Triple," macroblog. May 28, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "U.S. Firms Foresee Intensifying Coronavirus Impact," macroblog. May 4, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "COVID-19 Caused 3 New Hires for Every 10 Layoffs," macroblog. May 1, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "American Firms Foresee a Huge Negative Impact of the Coronavirus," macroblog. March 23, 2020.
David Altig, Jose Maria Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, Emil Mihaylov, and Nick Parker. "New Evidence Points to Mounting Trade Policy Effects on U.S. Business Activity," macroblog. November 1, 2019.
Alan Auerbach, Darryl Koehler, Michael Leiseca, Laurence Kotlikoff, Victor Ye, David Altig, Patrick Higgins, and Ellyn Terry. "The Tax Cut and Jobs Act, SALT, and the Blue State Blues: It's All Relative," macroblog. June 7, 2019.
David Altig and Laurence J. Kotlikoff. "A Different Type of Tax Reform," macroblog. March 22, 2019.
David Altig, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, and Nick Parker. "Tariff Worries and U.S. Business Investment, Take Two," macroblog. February 25, 2019.
David Altig, Nick Bloom, Steven J. Davis, Brent Meyer, and Nick Parker. "Are Tariff Worries Cutting into Business Investment?," macroblog. August 7, 2018.
Dave Altig, Nick Parker, Brent Meyer, Steve Davis, Nick Bloom, and José Barrero. "What Are Businesses Saying about Tax Reform Now?," macroblog. March 23, 2018.
Dave Altig, Brent Meyer, and Nick Parker. "What Businesses Said about Tax Reform," macroblog. January 17, 2018.
Dave Altig, Nicholas Parker, and Brent Meyer. "The Fed's Inflation Goal: What Does the Public Know?." macroblog. April 19, 2017.
Nicholas Parker and Dave Altig. "Gauging Firm Optimism in a Time of Transition." macroblog. March 2, 2017.
Dave Altig and Ellyn Terry. "Can Tight Labor Markets Inhibit Investment Growth?." macroblog. February 28, 2017.
Dave Altig and Patrick Higgins. "How Good Is The Employment Trend? Decide for Yourself." macroblog. July 15, 2016.
David Altig. "Is the Labor Market Tossing a Fair Coin?." macroblog. July 7, 2016.
David Altig. "Far Away Yet Close to Home: Discussing the Global Economy's Effects." macroblog. July 1, 2015.
David Altig. "All Eyes on the Consumer." macroblog. May 7, 2015.
David Altig. "What the Weather Wrought." macroblog. April 20, 2015.
Dave Altig (interviewer) and and Meghan Cummings. ""Get to Know Your Workforce": Discussing the Benefits Cliff." Economy Matters podcast. November 7, 2019.
"Surveying Business Uncertainty" (November 2022) with David Altig, Jose Barrero, Nick Bloom, Steve Davis, and Nick Parker, Journal of Econometrics.
"Economic Uncertainty Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic" (August 2020), with David Altig, Scott Baker, Jose Barrero, Nick Bloom, Phil Bunn, Scarlet Chen, Steven J. Davis, Emil Mihaylov, Paul Mizen, Nick Parker, Thomas Renault, Pawel Smietanka, and Greg Thwaites, Journal of Public Economics.