Julie Hotchkiss
Research Economist and Senior Advisercurriculum vitae
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.

To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
Julie Hotchkiss is a research economist and senior adviser on the applied microeconomics team in the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Her major fields of study are earnings and employment differentials across different groups of workers, variations in employment and earnings across time, and policy implications of changes in labor supply. She also contributes to the Atlanta Fed's Policy Hub publications, which provide commentary on economic topics, including monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, and the Southeast economy.
Dr. Hotchkiss also serves as the executive director of the Atlanta Research Data Center (ARDC). The ARDC is in a secure physical location, housed in the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, where researchers can access nonpublic census data and data from other agencies. Nine regional research institutions support the ARDC. The ARDC is part of the Federal Statistical RDC Network.
Prior to joining the Bank in 2003, Dr. Hotchkiss was professor of economics at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. She began teaching as a senior associate and assistant professor of economics at the Policy Research Center at Georgia State University in 1989. She maintains an appointment as adjunct professor of economics in the Andrew Young School at Georgia State.
Dr. Hotchkiss has published her research in various journals, including Applied Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, and the American Economic Review. She is a member of the American Economic Association, the Southern Economic Association, the Society of Labor Economists, the Labor and Employment Relations Association, and the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession. She has served as a coeditor for the Southern Economic Journal and the Eastern Economic Journal; on the board of the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession; and as a trustee, vice president, and president of the Southern Economic Association.
A native of Los Angeles, Dr. Hotchkiss received bachelor of arts degrees in economics and French from Willamette University. She earned her master's and doctoral degrees in economics at Cornell University.
The Role of Social Costs in Response to Labor Market Opportunities: Differences across Race
Kalee E. Burns and Julie L. Hotchkiss
July 2023
Growing Electric Vehicle Adoption: Implications for Infrastructure Maintenance and the Tax Burden on Families of Different Funding Policies
Kalee E. Burns and Julie L. Hotchkiss
May 2023
Impact of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Labor Supply and Welfare of Married Households
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, and Fernando Rios-Avila
June 2021
The Dynamics of the Smoking Wage Penalty
Michael E. Darden, Julie L. Hotchkiss, and M. Melinda Pitts
July 2020
Decomposing Outcome Differences between HBCU and Non-HBCU Institutions
Mels de Zeeuw, Sameera Fazili, and Julie L. Hotchkiss
July 2020
Migration Constraints and Disparate Responses to Changing Job Opportunities
Kalee E. Burns and Julie L. Hotchkiss
February 2019
In-migration and Dilution of Community Social Capital
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Anil Rupasingha
July 2018
Individual Social Capital and Migration
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Anil Rupasingha
March 2018
Some Like It Hot: Assessing Longer-Term Labor Market Benefits from a High-Pressure Economy
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Robert E. Moore
January 2018 (Revised October 2018 and December 2020)
Family Welfare and the Cost of Unemployment
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, and Fernando Rios-Avila
September 2017 (Revised July 2019)
Wage Determination in Social Occupations: The Role of Individual Social Capital
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Anil Rupasingha
November 2016
The Impact on Employment and Hours of Allowing Sunday Alcohol Sales in Georgia
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Yanling Qi
November 2015
A Tale of Two Decades: Relative Intra-family Earning Capacity and Changes in Family Welfare over Time
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, Fernando Rios-Avila, and Melissa R. Trussell
(Revised November 2015)
Impact of First-Birth Career Interruption on Earnings: Evidence from Administrative Data
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and Mary Beth Walker
November 2014
Family Welfare and the Great Recession
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, and Fernando Rios-Avila
August 2014
Adjusted Employment-to-Population Ratio as an Indicator of Labor Market Strength
Julie L. Hotchkiss
August 2014
Even One Is Too Much: The Economic Consequences of Being a Smoker
Julie L. Hotchkiss and M. Melinda Pitts
July 2013
A Closer Look at Nonparticipants During and After the Great Recession
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and Fernando Rios-Avila
August 2012
The Wage Impact of Undocumented Workers
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and Fernando Rios-Avila
March 2012
Does Employing Undocumented Workers Give Firms a Competitive Advantage?
J. David Brown, Julie L. Hotchkiss, and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli
(Revised November 2012)
Decomposing the Education Wage Gap: Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Menbere Shiferaw
August 2010
Assessing the Impact of Education and Marriage on Labor Market Exit Decisions of Women
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and Mary Beth Walker
February 2010
Employer Monopsony Power in the Labor Market for Undocumented Workers
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli
(Revised March 2012)
Decomposing Changes in the Aggregate Labor Force Participation Rate
Julie L. Hotchkiss
(Revised July 2009)
Undocumented Worker Employment and Firm Survivability
J. David Brown, Julie L. Hotchkiss, and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli
December 2008
Elimination of Gender-Related Employment Disparities through Statistical Process Control
Mary E. Graham and Julie L. Hotchkiss
October 2008
Working with Children? The Probability of Mothers Exiting the Workforce at Time of Birth
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and Mary Beth Walker
February 2008
The Labor Market Experience and Impact of Undocumented Workers
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli
(Revised June 2008)
Assessing the Welfare Impact of the 2001 Tax Reform on Dual-Earner Families
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Robert E. Moore
December 2007
Evidence of Demand Factors in the Determination of the Labor Market Intermittency Penalty
Julie L. Hotchkiss and M. Melinda Pitts
July 2007
The Role of Labor Market Intermittency in Explaining Gender Wage Differentials
Julie L. Hotchkiss and M. Melinda Pitts
February 2007
Published in American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
Asymmetric Labor Force Participation Decisions over the Business Cycle: Evidence from U.S. Microdata
Julie L. Hotchkiss and John C. Robertson
July 2006
Welfare Recipiency, Job Separation Outcomes, and Postseparation Earnings: Insight from Linked Personnel and State Administrative Data
Jill Marie Gunderson and Julie L. Hotchkiss
May 2006
Published in Contemporary Economic Policy
The Push-Pull Effects of the Information Technology Boom and Bust: Insight from Matched Employer-Employee Data
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and John C. Robertson
February 2006
Published in Economic Development Quarterly
Freshman Learning Communities, College Performance, and Retention
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert E. Moore, and M. Melinda Pitts
September 2005
Published in Education Economics
What's Up with the Decline in Female Labor Force Participation?
Julie L. Hotchkiss
August 2005
Published in Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review as "Changes in Behavioral and Characteristic Determination of Female Labor Force Participation"
Earnings on the Information Technology Rollercoaster: Insight from Matched Employer-Employee Data
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and John C. Robertson
June 2005
Published in Southern Economic Journal
Employment Growth and Labor Force Participation: How Many Jobs Are Enough?
Julie L. Hotchkiss
October 2004
Published in Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review
Wage Gains among Job Changers across the Business Cycle: Insight from State Administrative Data
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and John C. Robertson
August 2004
The Impact of 9/11 on Hours of Work in the United States
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Olga Pavlova
(Revised September 2004)
Published in Applied Economics Letters
Job Separation Behavior of Welfare Recipients: Results from a Unique Case Study
Jill Marie Gunderson and Julie L. Hotchkiss
May 2004
Published in Social Service Review
The Ups and Downs of Jobs in Georgia: What Can We Learn about Employment Growth from State Administrative Data?
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts, and John C. Robertson
December 2003
Female Labor Force Intermittency and Current Earnings: A Switching Regression Model with Unknown Sample Selection
Julie L. Hotchkiss and M. Melinda Pitts
December 2003
Published in Applied Economics
Which Industries Are the Best Employers for Women? An Application of a New Equal Employment Opportunity Index
Mary E. Graham and Julie Hotchkiss
July 2003
Published in Applied Economics
Julie L. Hotchkiss, "Generations of Discontent: Labor Force Participation and Wages" Policy Hub (2024-9).
Kalee E. Burns and Julie L. Hotchkiss, "Electric Vehicles, Potholes, and Taxes: Who Pays the Price?" Policy Hub (2023-4).
Julie L. Hotchkiss, "Wage Pressures in the Labor Market: What Do They Say?" Policy Hub (2021-5).
Julie L. Hotchkiss, "Will COVID-19 Erase Black Workers' Labor Market Gains?" Policy Hub (2021-2).
Michael E. Darden, Julie L. Hotchkiss, and M. Melinda Pitts, "Where There's Smoke...: The Wage Impact of Smoking." Policy Hub (2020-11).
Kalee E. Burns and Julie L. Hotchkiss, "Mismatch of Jobs and People: Do Migration Constraints Put Racial Minorities at a Disadvantage?" Policy Hub (2020-6).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "A Brewing Battle? A Review of The Coming Jobs War." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2012 Q2).
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Menbere Shiferaw."Decomposing the Education Wage Gap: Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review (2011 No4).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Changes in the Aggregate Labor Force Participation Rate." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2009 Q4).
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Menbere Shiferaw. "Econ 101: What's in a name? Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2009 Q1).
William R. Smith and Julie L. Hotchkiss. "After the Boom, Housing Affordability a Growing Challenge." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2007 Q1).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Changes in Behavioral and Characteristic Determination of Female Labor Force Participation, 1975–2005" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2006 Q2).
Jason DeBacker, Julie Hotchkiss, Melinda Pitts, and John Robertson. "It's Who You Are and What You Do: Explaining the IT Industry Wage Premium" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2005 Q3).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Employment Growth and Labor Force Participation: How Many Jobs Are Enough?" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2005 Q1).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Economics 101: Demand and Supply." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2005 Q1).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Growing Part-Time Employment among Disabled Workers: Marginalization or Opportunity?" Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review (2004 Q3).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Labor Market Lessons from Georgia's Temp Workers." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2004 Q2).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Review of Losing Work, Moving On: International Perspectives on Worker Displacement by Peter J. Kuhn." Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta EconSouth (2004 Q2).
Feiveson, Laura; Nils Goernemann; Julie Hotchkiss; Karl Mertens; and Jae Sim. "Distributional Considerations for Monetary Policy Strategy." Federal Reserve Board Finance and Economics Discussion Series (August 2020).
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Slide into the Economic Driver's Seat with the Labor Market Sliders." macroblog. May 5, 2017.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Does a High-Pressure Labor Market Bring Long-Term Benefits?." macroblog. February 13, 2017.
Rebekah Durham, Julie L. Hotchkiss, and Melinda Pitts. "How Will Employers Respond to New Overtime Regulations?." macroblog. July 15, 2016.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "What Occupational Projections Say about Entry-Level Skill Demand," macroblog. January 7, 2016.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Should We Be Concerned about Declines in Labor Force Growth?" macroblog. October 19, 2015.
Julie L. Hotchkiss and Christopher J. Macpherson. "Falling Job Tenure: It's Not Just about Millennials." macroblog. June 8, 2015.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "And the Winner Is...Full-time Jobs!." macroblog. November 24, 2014.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "The Implications of Flat or Declining Real Wages for Inequality." macroblog. June 30, 2014.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Atlanta Fed's Jobs Calculator Drills Down to the State." macroblog. November 14, 2013.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Behavior's Place in the Labor Force Participation Rate Debate." macroblog. May 10, 2013.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Building a Better Jobs Calculator: Choose Your Own Payroll/Household Employment Ratio." macroblog. May 3, 2013.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Labor force nonparticipants: So what are they doing?." macroblog. May 11, 2012.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "What If...? Looking Beyond this Month's Jobs Numbers." macroblog. March 9, 2012.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "How Many Jobs Does It Take? Introducing the Atlanta Fed's Jobs Calculator." macroblog. March 2, 2012.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Employment: Some Good News, Some Bad News." macroblog. February 3, 2012.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Another Side of the Administration's Tax Plan." macroblog. March 11, 2009.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Higher Unemployment: Labor Force Effects versus Job Loss Effects." macroblog. December 19, 2008.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Filling In the (Pot)holes: A Discussion of Electric Vehicles and Gas Tax Collection." Economy Matters podcast. September 29, 2023.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Under Pressure: The Pluses and Minuses of a Hot Economy." Economy Matters podcast. March 28, 2019.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Where We Live: Social Capital and Migration." Economy Matters podcast. June 28, 2018.
Julie L. Hotchkiss (interviewer) and Ran Abramitzky. "Immigration in the United States: A Historical Perspective." Economy Matters podcast. May 24, 2018.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "A Discussion of Unemployment's Impact on Family Welfare." Economy Matters podcast. October 26, 2017.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Coming to Our Census: A Look at the Atlanta Fed's Research Data Center." Economy Matters podcast. July 22, 2016.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Surveying the National Economy." EconSouthNow podcast. December 19, 2011.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Surveying the National Economy." EconSouthNow podcast. December 29, 2010.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Education Wage Gap." Research Insights podcast. September 7, 2010.
Julie L. Hotchkiss. "Examining JOLTS." EconSouthNow podcast. March 29, 2010.