Ed Nosal
Vice President and Senior Economistcurriculum vitae
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
Ed Nosal is a vice president and senior economist on the micro/macroeconomics research team in the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Dr. Nosal's research concentrates on fundamental issues related to money, banking, and payments. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Economic Theory, the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of Finance, and the Review of Economic Studies.
Before joining the Atlanta Fed in 2017, Dr. Nosal was a vice president and senior research adviser in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Before his work with the Chicago Fed, he was a vice president in the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and before that a professor of economics at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Dr. Nosal has also held a number of research positions at academic institutions throughout the world.
Dr. Nosal earned a bachelor's degree from Queen's University in Ontario, Canada; a master's degree from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada; and a PhD in economics from Queen's University.
Monetary Policy Implementation with Ample Reserves
Gara Afonso, Kyungmin Kim, Antoine Martin, Ed Nosal, Simon Potter, and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
August 2023
Shadow Bank Runs
David Andolfatto and Ed Nosal
August 2020
Monetary Policy Implementation with an Ample Supply of Reserves
Gara Afonso, Kyungmin Kim, Antoine Martin, Ed Nosal, Simon Potter, and Sam Schulhofer-Wohl
January 2020
Intermediation in Markets for Goods and Markets for Assets
Ed Nosal, Yuet-Yee Wong, and Randall Wright
March 2019
Can the U.S. Interbank Market Be Revived?
Kyungmin Kim, Antoine Martin, and Ed Nosal
November 2018
Preventing Bank Runs
David Andolfatto, Ed Nosal, and Bruno Sultanum
November 2014
More on Middlemen: Equilibrium Entry and Efficiency in Intermediated Markets
Ed Nosal, Yuet-Yee Wong, and Randall Wright
November 2014
An Interview with Neil Wallace
David Altig and Ed Nosal
Cash-in-the-Market Pricing in a Model with Money and Over-the-Counter Financial Markets
Fabrizio Mattesini and Ed Nosal
Gambling for Dollars: Strategic Hedge Fund Manager Investment
Dan Bernhardt and Ed Nosal
Repos, Fire Sales, and Bankruptcy Policy
Dan Bernhardt and Ed Nosal
November 2012
Equilibrium Bank Runs Revisited
Ed Nosal
November 2011
Summer Workshop on Money, Banking, Payments and Finance: An Overview
Ed Nosal and Randall Wright
January 2010
Introduction to the Macroeconomic Dynamics: Special Issues on Money, Credit and Liquidity
Ed Nosal, Christopher Waller, and Randall Wright
January 2010
Counterfeiting as Private Money in Mechanism Design
Ricardo Cavalcanti and Ed Nosal
November 2007
Private Takings
Ed Nosal
October 2007
Limited Liability and the Development of Capital Markets
Ed Nosal and Michael Smart
March 2007
Moral Hazard in the Diamond-Dybvig Model of Banking
David Andolfatto and Ed Nosal
December 2006
The Role of Independence in the Green-Lin Diamond-Dybvig Model
David Andolfatto, Ed Nosal, and Neil Wallace
December 2006
On the Recognizability of Money
Richard Dutu, Ed Nosal, and Guillaume Rocheteau
December 2005
Some Benefits of Cyclical Monetary Policy
Ricardo Cavalcanti and Ed Nosal
November 2005
Loggers vs. Campers: Compensation for the Taking of Property Rights
Ron Giammarino and Ed Nosal
July 2004
A Model of (the Threat of) Counterfeiting
Ed Nosal and Neil Wallace
March 2004
A Theory of Money and Banking
David Andolfatto and Ed Nosal
March 2004
Information Gathering by a Principal
Ed Nosal
September 2003
Nearsighted Justice
Ed Nosal
June 2003
How Amenities Affect Job and Wage Choices over the Life Cycle
Ed Nosal and Peter Rupert
May 2003
Life Cycle Wage and Job Changes
Ed Nosal and Peter Rupert
September 2002
A Strategic Approach to Hedging and Contracting
David Downie and Ed Nosal
October 2001
Information Revelation in the Diamond-Dybvig Banking Model
Ed Nosal and Neil Wallace
December 2009
Pairwise Trade, Asset Prices and Monetary Policy
Ed Nosal and Guillaume Rocheteau
November 2009
Search, Welfare and the 'Hot Potato' Effect of Inflation
Ed Nosal
November 2008
Private Takings
Ed Nosal
May 2008
Money, Intermediation and Banking
Ed Nosal
April 2008
The Economics of Payments
Ed Nosal and Guillaume Rocheteau
February 2006
The 2007 Summer Workshop on Money, Banking, and Payments: An Overview
Ed Nosal, Guillaume Rocheteau, and Randall Wright
December 2007
2005 Summer Workshop on Money, Banking and Payments: An Overview
Ed Nosal, Guillaume Rocheteau, and Randall Wright
March 2006
Recent Developments in Monetary Economics: A Summary of the 2004 Workshop on Money, Banking, and Payments
Ed Nosal, Guillaume Rocheteau, and Randall Wright
October 2005
Workshop on Money, Banking, and Payments: Proceedings
Ed Nosal, Guillaume Rocheteau, and Randall Wright
January 2005
Ed Nosal. "Clearing Over-the-Counter Derivatives," Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Economic Perspectives, Q4 2011.
Ed Nosal and Robert Steigerwald. "What Is Clearing and Why Is It Important?," Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Chicago Fed Letter, September 2010.
Ed Nosal and Saeed Zaman. "Banking and Financial Institutions: Fourth District Community Banks." Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, December 2007.
Ed Nosal and Saeed Zaman. "Banking and Financial Institutions: Business Loan Markets," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, November 2007.
Ed Nosal and Saeed Zaman. "Banking and Financial Institutions: Mortgage Lending," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, November 2007.
Ed Nosal. "Banking and Financial Institutions: Fourth District Bank Holding Companies," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, October 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Activity and Labor: Housing," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, June 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Activity and Labor: Business Investment," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, April 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Activity: A Tale of Two Houses," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, March 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Activity: Is Manufacturing Going the Way of Agriculture?," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, March 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Acitivity and Labor Markets: Industrial Production Closes 2006 in Fine Form," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, February 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Acitivity and Labor Markets: Some Say Housing Numbers Encouraging," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, February 2007.
Ed Nosal and Michael Shenk. "Economic Acitivity and Labor Markets: Durable Goods Orders and Personal Income and Consumption Reports," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, January 2007.
Ed Nosal. "Optimal Deposit Contracts: Do-It-Yourself Bank-Run Prevention for Banks," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, January 2006.
Richard Dutu, Ed Nosal, and Guillaume Rocheteau. "The Tale of Gresham's Law," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Trends, October 2005.
Ed Nosal and Peter Rupert. "A Beautiful Theory," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, April 2004.
Ed Nosal and Tan Wang. "Arbitrage: The Key to Pricing Options," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, January 2004.
David E. Altig and Ed Nosal. "Why Haven't Long-Term Interest Rates Fallen?," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, January 2002.
Ed Nosal and Peter Rupert. "Infrastructure and the Wealth of Nations," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review, January 2002.
David Andolfatto and Ed Nosal. "A Simple Model of Money and Banking," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Review, December 2001.
Ed Nosal. "How Well Does the Federal Funds Futures Rate Predict the Future Federal Funds Rate?," Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Economic Commentary, October 2001.