Bin Wei
Research Economist and Adviserpersonal website
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To interview economists, press should contact Public Affairs at 470-249-8348.
Bin Wei is a research economist and adviser on the financial markets team in the research department at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. His research interests include liquidity, contract theory, corporate finance, macrofinance, and computation.
Before joining the Atlanta Fed in 2014, Dr. Wei was an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 2011 to 2014 and an assistant professor of finance at Baruch College, the City University of New York, from 2007 to 2011. Dr. Wei has published research in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Dr. Wei received a bachelor of science from the University of Science and Technology of China and a master of applied economics (statistics) from the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his doctoral degree in finance from Duke University.
Quantifying Forward Guidance and Yield Curve Control
Junko Koeda and Bin Wei
September 2024
Forward Guidance and Its Effectiveness: A Macro Finance Shadow-Rate Framework
Junko Koeda and Bin Wei
October 2023
Quantifying "Quantitative Tightening" (QT): How Many Rate Hikes Is QT Equivalent To?
Bin Wei
July 2022
Racial Disparities in Mortgage Lending: New Evidence Based on Processing Time
Bin Wei and Feng Zhao
January 2022
Sovereign Risk and Financial Risk
Simon Gilchrist, Bin Wei, Vivian Z. Yue, and Egon Zakrajšek
November 2021
Ambiguity, Long-Run Risks, and Asset Prices
Bin Wei
September 2021
The Fed Takes On Corporate Credit Risk: An Analysis of the Efficacy of the SMCCF
Simon Gilchrist, Bin Wei, Vivian Z. Yue, and Egon Zakrajšek
September 2020
The Two-Pillar Policy for the RMB
Urban J. Jermann, Bin Wei, and Vivian Z. Yue
April 2019
Financial Intermediation Chains in an OTC Market
Ji Shen, Bin Wei, and Hongjun Yan
December 2018
Ambiguity Aversion and Variance Premium
Jianjun Miao, Bin Wei, and Hao Zhou
December 2018
Optimal Long-Term Contracting with Learning
Zhiguo He, Bin Wei, Jianfeng Yu, and Feng Gao
November 2016
Forecasts of Inflation and Interest Rates in No-Arbitrage Affine Models
Nikolay Gospodinov and Bin Wei
(Revised) March 2016
Liquidity Backstop and Dynamic Debt Runs
Bin Wei and Vivian Z. Yue
December 2015
Financial Intermediation Chains in a Search Market
St. Louis Fed Summer Workshop
Ji Shen, Bin Wei, Hongjun Yan
March 2015
Simon Gilchrist, Bin Wei, Vivian Z. Yue, and Egon Zakrajšek. "Analyzing the Efficacy of the Fed's Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility" Policy Hub (2024-5).
Bin Wei "How Many Rate Hikes Does Quantitative Tightening Equal?" Policy Hub (2022-11).
Bin Wei, Kris Gerardi, and Feng Zhao. "Atlanta Fed Conference Investigates Inequalities in the Financial System," Policy Hub: Macroblog. December 2, 2021.
Simon Gilchrist, Bin Wei, Vivian Z. Yue, and Egon Zakrajšek "The Term Structure of the Excess Bond Premium: Measures and Implications." Policy Hub (2021-12).
Bin Wei and Vivian Z. Yue "The Federal Reserve's Liquidity Backstops to the Municipal Bond Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic." Policy Hub (2020-5).
Urban Jermann, Bin Wei, and Vivian Yue. "China's Two-Pillar Policy for the Renminbi." Notes from the Vault (2018 September).
Bin Wei and Vivian Yue. "Liquidity Backstops and Dynamic Debt Runs." Notes from the Vault (2015 June).
Nikolay Gospodinov, Paula Tkac, and Bin Wei. "Are Long-Term Inflation Expectations Declining? Not So Fast, Says Atlanta Fed," macroblog. January 15, 2016.
"Optimal Long-Term Contracting with Learning" (with Zhiguo He, Jianfeng Yu and Feng Gao). The Review of Financial Studies, June 2017 30(1): pp. 2006–2065.
"Uncertainty, Risk, and Incentives: Theory and Evidence" (with Zhiguo He, Si Li, and Jianfeng Yu). Management Science, January 2014 60(1): pp. 206–26.
"Exchange Rate Policy and LDC Foreign Borrowing" (with Samir Jahjah and Vivian Zhanwei Yue). Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, October 2013 45(7): pp. 1275–300.
"A Model of Portfolio Delegation and Strategic Trading" (with Albert S. Kyle and Hui Ou-Yang). Review of Financial Studies, November 2011 24(11): pp. 3813–840.
Endogenous Events and Long Run Returns (joint with S. "Vish" Viswanathan). Review of Financial Studies, April 2008 21(2): pp. 855–88.