Material published prior to 2018 has been archived and is available at the Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research, FRASER (about).
Americas Center Annual Review
Reports that highlight the Americas Center's most significant projects, products, programs, and initiatives of the year.
Annual Reports
Reports reflecting the year's executive leadership, boards of directors, advisory councils, and financial statements. Older reports contain milestones, topical essays, and other content.
Center for Human Capital Studies [CHCS] Currents
Reports on current topics in human capital development and labor markets.
Center for Financial Innovation and Stability [CenFIS] Notes from the Vault
Examined topics surrounding financial stability and innovation, banking and supervision, and international finance. The articles were intended to stimulate discussion of these topics and place them in a context for nonspecialists.
Center for Financial Innovation and Stability [CenFIS] Working papers
Research of visiting scholars and distinguished economists. The papers were intended to stimulate professional discussion about financial innovation and financial stability and associated policies.
Center for Quantitative Economic Research [CQER] Working papers
Research of visiting scholars and distinguished economists. The papers were intended to stimulate professional discussion about financial innovation and financial stability and associated policies.
Center for Workforce & Economic Opportunity [CWEO] Workforce Currents
Research of visiting scholars and distinguished economists. The papers were intended to stimulate professional discussion about financial innovation and financial stability and associated policies.
Community Development Discussion Papers
Address emerging and critical issues in community development. Our goal is to provide information on topics that will be useful to the many actors involved in community development—governments, nonprofits, financial institutions, and beneficiaries.
Economic Development podcast
Innovative postrecessionary economic development strategies, emerging trends in job creation and workforce development, small business trends, and health care issues.
Economic Review
Policy-related research and educational articles on financial institutions and markets, economic forecasting, macroeconomics, monetary policy, payment systems, and international and regional economics.
Economy Matters Banking & Finance
From the Atlanta Fed's Supervision Division, timely information about southeastern and national banking and finance.
Economy Matters Economic Research
From the Atlanta Fed’s Research Department, accessible examinations of our economists’ work and its implications for monetary policymaking.
Economy Matters Regional Economics
Timely and relevant discussions of the southeastern economy.
Economy Matters podcast
A podcast featuring conversations with a range of Bank subject matter experts, who discuss their work and its relevance to the public and monetary policymaking.
Articles on regional, national, and international issues pertinent to the Southeast.
EconSouth Now podcast
Interviews and commentaries serving as an enhancement to EconSouth.
Financial Update Focus podcast
Interviews and commentaries examining issues in banking and financial services around the Southeast.
Foreclosure Response podcast
Twelve interviews with experts on various facets of foreclosure—from neighborhood impacts to loan modifications to new strategies.
Concise commentary and analysis on economic topics including monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, inflation, labor economics, and financial issues for a broad audience.
Infographics: Community Development
Collection examines a variety of economic concepts related to community and economic development.
Partners in Community and Economic Development
Tool to to keep financial institutions, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other practitioners abreast of the latest community development issues and trends.
Partners Update
Short articles that address community and economic development trends, issues, and events.
Payments Spotlight podcast
Interviews and commentaries on emerging risk issues in retail payments.
Perspectives on Real Estate podcast
Experts discussed emerging trends and innovative strategies, and how they were adapting existing strategies to keep up with the day's shifting landscape.
President's Remarks
Speeches, talks, and other communication from the Bank's president and CEO. FRASER has speeches and statements merged here.
Research Data Reports—Consumer Payments
Results, content, key findings, and methodology of the Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice.
Real Estate Research blog
Provided analysis of topical research and current issues in the fields of housing and real estate economics.
Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
Comprehensive picture of US consumers' payment preferences and behavior.
Research Insights podcast
Discussions by Atlanta Fed economists and other experts on a variety of topics related to policy issues of interest to the Bank's Research Department.
Southeastern Economic Perspectives podcast
Interviews and commentaries examining economic and industry trends in the Southeast.
SouthPoint blog
Commentary and observations on various aspects of the region's economy.
Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
Comprehensive picture of US consumers' payment preferences and behavior.
Take On Payments blog
Sponsored by the Retail Payments Risk Forum of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, this blog intends to foster dialogue on emerging risks in retail payment systems and enhance collaborative efforts to improve risk detection and mitigation.
Talk About Payments Webinar series
Supplements the Retail Payments Risk Forum's other educational efforts to provide in-depth knowledge and discussion of current payment systems' risks.
Working papers—Atlanta Fed series
Research of staff economists and visiting scholars and stimulate professional discussion and exploration of economic and financial subjects.